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April Reward & Recognition

April Reward & Recognition

Our April Reward & Recognition winner was Isaac Tagoe.

Isaac was nominated by the client for his work at Euston Station on 3rd April 2023. The client had this to say:

“I’d like to thank Isaac for showing calmness whilst dealing with a person who was clearly agitated and throwing their belongings about the concourse. Isaac showed excellent care and attention when dealing with the person. He helped calm the person down, helped them collect their belongings, and saw them off the premises. Just thought I would let you know.”

His Manager then reported as follows:

“It shows the little things that matter and make a difference when you clearly show empathy to others. Isaac is a response officer who is capable of dealing with some heavy duties but can show great compassion when it is needed.”

Isaac is highly commended for his professionalism and initiative in dealing with this difficult situation.


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