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Ice Skating at Somerset House

Ice Skating at Somerset House

Skating has returned to Somerset House for the Winter months and the SES Group are once again on hand to provide crowd management and security services. Skating is available until January 14th and the SES Group are there for the duration.

The SES Group have received a message of thanks from the Somerset House Directors as follows:

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all for making the opening Skate Week to date so successful. An enormous amount of hard work I know, so thanks for working tirelessly and for staging a great launch night.

And especially for pushing the boat out to make the extra programme additions happen. It’s a great thing to have all the artists excited by the Winter programme too, so thank you.

Look forward to continued positivity from audiences across the season!”

The SES Group are proud to continue to be associated with this historic venue.


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