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June Reward & Recognition

June Reward & Recognition

Our June Reward & Recognition Winner is Ashiq Khan. Ashiq was nominated by Network Rail Management for his work at Euston Station on 5th June, who said:

“If it had not been for the quick thinking of your officer moving the cleaners trolley to a safe place, we would be having a very different investigation today. The trolley was on top of the LUL escalators in an enclosed space. If it had caught fire inside we would be looking at potential loss of multiple lives and a huge financial loss. His quick thinking was fantastic!”

His Manager added:

“He has been with SES Group for just 8 months, he is a credit to the Company – a dedicated worker who even when receiving praise for his actions yesterday was very humble and said “I was just doing my job, there were a lot of children nearby and I knew I had to act quickly to ensure everyone’s safety

He had to act so quickly he didn’t have time to call over the radio for help until he got the bin to a safe area. His quick actions saved Euston from what could have been a major disaster.”

Ashiq is highly commended for his decisive thinking, professionalism and initiative in dealing with this serious incident, which potentially averted a major incident.


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