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May Reward & Recognition

May Reward & Recognition

Our May Reward & Recognition Winner was Rachael Allen!

Rachael was nominated by her Manager in the Property Management Department at Head Office who wrote:

“A normal, typical Friday in the office. I had asked Rachael if she could hold the fort as we had to leave the office, no problem she replied.

4 hours later I received a phone call from Rachael explaining we had received a phone call regarding a high-risk escalation which Rachael does not normally deal with. I went through the procedure checklist of what to do and she had ticked every box before contacting me. I was 1, grateful and 2, super proud that she took control of the situation and dealt with it swiftly, knowing that she hadn’t had to deal with an incident like this before.

At 9.30pm that evening I received a voice note from Rachael stating that our 24-hour control room had contacted her as they had received a call from our client asking for Rachael as she had dealt with the escalation and needed more information, which Rachael provided to assist the ongoing investigation. At the end of the voice note, she jokingly, but with a serious undertone said never to leave her in charge of the office again!

Our procedures in the property team are drilled into every member of staff and this situation showed that by constantly sharing knowledge, refresher training and asking random questions like what would you do if this happens? Proves it works. Communication is key and to be surrounded by a strong and dedicated team is priceless.

Therefore, I would like to nominate Rachael Allen for this months Reward and Recognition.”

Rachael is highly commended for her professionalism and initiative in dealing with this critical incident.


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